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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Home Improvement

I notice that as we strive to care for the gifts God has bestowed upon us, as we "improve our home" our home (the work) improves us! Hard work is good-it feels good, it helps others, and it's great exercise! So here's a few things we've been working on:

In preparation to host our families for Easter we started our "spring cleaning!" I love our entry way, which Gary has worked so hard to keep clean and beautiful. The fountains are so peaceful and the welcome bear just makes me happy!

Much Mulch!

I am so proud of the hard-working husband I have! He LOVES to take care of our home, especially the lawn. He loves his mulch!And believe me-it LOOKS EASY-"just sprinkle a little mulch," right?-WRONG...I've helped him before and it's a great workout! It is not easy, but he definitely devotes the time to each "bed" to make sure they are all looking their best. Wow, great job, honey!!

St. Joseph...
It just melts my heart when I check on him outside sometimes (usually on Saturdays)and I find him teaching the boys in the neighborhood about the value of hard work. He models for them that if something is broken you try to fix it. I look forward to watching him teach our own boys one day. The way they just gaze up at him as he works reminds me of the gazing that the child Jesus must have done with his father, Joseph.

Teaching the importance of cleaning out the fountain (with a really cool, powerful squirt gun/hose)...
.It brings me such joy too, when the boys feel needed. Gary usually makes them feel like little helpers and together they usually create or accomplish something amazingHere they are hanging the American Flag! This little boy, Sam, is the son of a Marine. He is so proud to be helping fly our flag.Then they said the Pledge of Allegiance! (how sweet!!!!)

Or...they discover how FUN "Mr. Huber" is as he reveals some of his really cool toys! (Star Wars "light saber" or a real slingshot and sword!)

He is my knight in shining armor, with his sword and all!

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