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Friday, June 10, 2011

Babies 'R Us-18 weeks

We headed over to Gulfcoast Town Center to do some errands, and of course had to go in Babies 'R Us. We both wondered if it was too soon, then decided we would just "look." We ended up finding some great deals on some essentials and saved tons of money by locking in the prices. We had so much fun picking out a stroller! It's amazing how one little purchase takes so much thought. How heavy is it? How durable? Will it withstand rocky surfaces? Is it safe? How easy is it to fold up, steer with one hand, adjust the steering height for Daddy? And the questions went on and on. The sale made it much easier to just choose since the one we wanted was $100 off! yay! Total savings on a crib, dresser and travel system (stroller AND carseat): $650!! Even the people who worked at the store said they have never seen a sale like this and that if they even knew anyone pregnant, they would get these items. We left pretty happy!

Here's a shot of me trying out a stroller. This isn't the one we chose, but hopefully all the items will be on the blog soon!


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