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Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Is there a worse feeling than waking up to even the tiniest bit of spotting when you're pregnant? nope. especially not at 10 weeks.

We quickly called the doctor, while calmly remembering "everything will be fine" (but not really because we are just nervous!)...and he graciously made room for us that day! So before we went into Naples for the appointment we called Fr. Tatman (at Kim's suggestion!)...and he offered to meet us in the sacristy just before Mass and annointed my head and hands with the holy chrism oil (just blessed the night before and will be used the entire year...he said I was the first to "use" it!)...It was beautiful. And of course there were lady friends of mine helping prepare for Mass as sacristans and they all just bowed their heads and prayed with me. I felt so bad that *this* is how they were finding out, but we've just tried to 'ponder this pregnancy in our hearts' and wait until at least 12 weeks to really tell anyone.

soooo all was fine. The dr. examined me and showed us our beautiful child again via ultrasound and (gasp) he/she has arms and legs and is moving all around! It really was the perfect pre-Easter gift. We were so thankful and celebrated afterward with a taco lunch!

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